Environmental policy


MAND (PLS) recognise the importance of environmental issues and sustainability and therefore consider these matters in all of our business decisions. We integrate our commitment to the environment into our daily working practices, and as part of our Environmental policy ensure compliance with all environmental legislation, regulations, approved codes of practice and any other external requirements applicable to our business.

As such, the Directors of Mand (PLS) are committed to the following:

  •   Continual improvement in the environmental impact of its business activities
  •   Preventing pollution
  •   Complying with all relevant legal, customer, and other third-party requirements
  •   Establishing measurable environmental and business objectives that are consistent with the context and strategic direction of the organisation and addressing risks and opportunities associated with them
  •   Achieving objectives to help minimise its environmental impact
  •   Adopting best practices applicable to its activities wherever practicable.

    We employ an external Environmental Manager and use an ISO 14001:2015 Accredited Environmental Management System to ensure the environmental impact of our activities are highlighted and risks associated with those activities are mitigated.

    The implementation of this policy is fundamental to the success of the organisation’s business and must be supported by all employees as an integral part of their daily work.

    Our policy is readily available to all employees, suppliers, and customers. We ensure that awareness of environmental issues throughout all areas of business is communicated through staff training and development.

    Work on all projects is carried out in compliance with the company’s Environmental Policy. Regular site audits are carried out by our Environmental Manager to ensure that any works carried out comply with environmental management standards and policies, adopted by both the client and MAND (PLS).

    All contracts carried out by MAND (PLS) will have an environmental aspect and impacts risk assessment carried out before operational works commence, which identifies all possible environmental impacts from operational works. It also highlights what control measures will be put in place to minimise the environmental risks identified. A number of protocols are in place as standard on all projects to ensure compliance where applicable.

    MAND (PLS) also considers the wider scale environmental issues of the works it carries out. We have route planning software that actively reduces the environmental impact of the delivery of our services. We have an environmentally sensitive purchasing policy in place and monitor the environmental awareness of our suppliers.

    Signed: Date: 12 May 2023